Online Poker Glossary Q-S

A-B : C-C : D-E : F-H : I-N : O-P : Q-S : S-T : T-W

Four of a kind

(1) A container in which chips are stored while being transported. (2) A tray in front of the dealer, used to hold chips and cards.

A flop (or board) that doesn’t appear to help anybody very much. A flop that came down Jd-6h-2c would look ragged.

To increase the amount of a prior wager.

An amount of money taken out of every pot by the dealer – this is the cardroom’s income.

The numerical value of a card (as opposed to its suit). Example: "jack," "seven."

To raise someone’s raise.

Ring Game
A regular poker game as opposed to a tournament. Also referred to as a "live" game since actual money is in play instead of tournament chips.

The fifth and final community card, put out face up, by itself. Also known as "fifth street". Metaphors involving the river are some of poker’s most treasured cliches – e.g. "He drowned in the river."

A player who plays very tight, not very creatively. He raises only with the best hands. A real rock is fairly predictable – if he raises you on the end, you can throw away just about anything but the nuts.

Typically said "runner-runner" to describe a hand which was made only by catching the correct cards on both the turn and the river – "He made a runner-runner flush to beat my trips." See also "Backdoor."

Saving Bets
Same as pushing bets.

To win both the high and the low portions of a pot in a split-pot game.

Mixing the cards facedown on the table.

Second Pair
A pair with the second highest card on the flop. If you have As-Ts, and the flop comes Kd-Th-6c, you have flopped second pair.

It is a bet or raise that you hope will not be called, but you have some outs if it is. A semi-bluff may be correct when betting for value is not correct, a pure bluff is not correct, but the combination of the two may be a positive expectation play.

Two suited decks, each with different colored backs, to replace current decks in a game.

Side Pot
A pot created in which a player has no interest because he has run out of chips. Example: Al bets $6, Beth calls the $6, and Carl calls, but he has only $2 left. An $8 side pot is created that either Al or Beth can win, but not Carl. Furthermore, any more bets that Al and Beth make go into that side pot. Carl, however, can still win all the money in the original or "center" pot.

Short Buy
A buy-in that is less than the required minimum buy-in.

A-B : C-C : D-E : F-H : I-N : O-P : Q-S : S-T : T-W