Online Poker Glossary D-E

A-B : C-C : D-E : F-H : I-N : O-P : Q-S : S-T : T-W

Dead Card
A card that is not legally playable.

Dead Collection Blind
A fee paid by the player having the dealer button, used in some games as an alternative method of seat rental.

Dead Hand
A hand that is not legally playable.

Dead Money
Chips that are taken into the center of the pot because they are not considered part of a particular player’s bet.

To distribute cards to each player, or put cards on the board.

Dealer Button
A flat disk that indicates the player who would be in the dealing position for that hand (if there were not a house dealer). Normally just called "the button."

Deal Off
To take all the blinds and the button before changing seats or leaving the table. That is, participate through all the blind positions and the dealer position.

Deal Twice
Dealing a second time for half the pot when there is no more betting.

A set of playing-cards. In these games, the deck consists of either:
(1) 52 cards in seven-card stud, holdem, and Omaha.
(2) 53 cards (including the joker), often used in ace-to-five lowball and draw high.

To throw cards out of your hand in a draw, to make room for replacements. Or the card(s) thrown away; the muck.

Cards that are dealt facedown in a stud game.

(1) The poker form where players are given the opportunity to replace cards in the hand. In some places like California, the word "draw" is used referring to draw high, and draw low is called "lowball."
(2) The act of replacing cards in the hand.
(3) The point in the deal where replacing is done is called "the draw."

Your "rightful" share of a pot. If the pot contains $80, and you have a 50% chance of winning it, you have $40 equity in the pot. This term is somewhat fanciful since you will either win $80 or $0, but it gives you an idea of how much you can "expect" to win.

(1) A term referring to the amount of you expect to gain on average if you make a certain play. For instance, suppose you put $10 into a $50 pot to draw at a hand that you will make 25% of the time, and it will win every time you make it. Three out of four times, you do not make your draw, and lose $10 each time for a total of $30. The fourth time, you will make your draw, winning $50. Your total gain over those four average hands is $50-$30 = $20, an average of $5 per hand. Thus calling the $10 has a positive expectation of $5.
(2) The amount you expect to make at the poker table in a specific time period. Perhaps in 100 hours play, you have won $527. Then your expectation is $5.27/hr. Of course, you won’t make that exact amount each hour (and some hours you will lose), but it’s one measure of your anticipated earnings.

A-B : C-C : D-E : F-H : I-N : O-P : Q-S : S-T : T-W