Online Poker Glossary A-B

Following are 173 commonly used poker terms which every online poker pro needs to know before one then may begin playing tournaments. Educate yourself now!

A-B : C-C : D-E : F-H : I-N : O-P : Q-S : S-T : T-W

A fold, check, call, bet or raise.

Aggressive Action
A bet or raise that could make it possible for a player to win a pot without a showdown.

All In
Betting all of your playable money and chips during the course of a hand. You cannot return to your pocket during the course of a hand.

A set amount placed in the pot before the start of a hand by all players. Most hold’em games do not have an ante; they use "blinds" to get initial money into the pot.

Catching both the turn and river card to make a drawing hand. For instance, suppose you have As- 7s. The flop comes Ad-6c-4s. You bet and are called. The turn is the Ts, which everybody checks, and then the river is the Js. You’ve made a "backdoor" nut flush. See also "runner."

The act of placing a wager in turn into the pot on any betting round or the chips put in the pot.

Big Blind
The largest ‘Blind’ in a game.

A board card that doesn’t seem to affect the standings in the hand. If the flop is As-Jd-Ts, then a turn card of 2h would be considered a blank. On the other hand, the 2s would not be.

A mandatory bet made before any cards are dealt.

Blind Game
A game in which a ‘Blind’ is used.

(1) The board on which a waiting list is kept for players wanting seats in specific games. (2) Faceup cards on the table which are common to each of the hands.

A community card in the center of the table, as in holdem or Omaha.

A pair with the lowest card on the flop. If you have As-6s, and the flop comes Kd-Th-6c, you have flopped bottom pair.

Boxed Card
A faceup card in a deck where all other cards are facedown.

Broken Game
A game no longer in action.

To discard the top card from the deck, face down. This is done between each betting round before putting out the next community card(s). It is security against any player recognizing or glimpsing the next card to be used on the board.

A card that is placed under a chip in the pot, for security purposes, after the initial round of cards is dealt.

A player who is in the designated dealer position. See dealer button.

Button Games
Games in which a dealer button is used.

The minimum amount of playable money required to enter any game.

A-B : C-C : D-E : F-H : I-N : O-P : Q-S : S-T : T-W