The New Jersey Lottery

The New Jersey Lotto can be an exciting way to spend a few extra dollars. The wide variety of games and drawings involved in the New Jersey lotto provides a diverse way to take a chance on winning quite a bit of cash. Not only does the state’s lottery offer instant win scratch-off cards and daily drawings, but it also offers access to the New Jersey Mega Millions Lotto. This drawing has quite a pay-off that is based on the number of people participating in the game every week.

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The Mega Millions lotto game costs one dollar to play, and it involves choosing five numbers between one and fifty-six and one gold mega ball number between one and forty-six. You can choose all of these numbers yourself, or you can let the computer choose them for you. The gold lotto ball must match the one drawn or you cannot win the full jackpot. Mega Millions lotto is played in several different states, including New Jersey, Illinois, Maryland, Georgia, Michigan and others.

If you play the New Jersey Lotto, you can find the winning lotto numbers for the drawings online on the state’s official lotto website. The site lists the lotto result for each of the drawing games played in New Jersey. This can come in quite handy, especially since drawings for the Pick Three game are help twice a day and drawings for the Pick-6 Lotto are held twice a week. Depending on how many New Jersey Lotto games you play, keeping track of the winning lotto numbers can be quite a task. It can be easy to miss out on a lotto result, and for this reason many people choose to only play instant win games. However, if you are an avid player, you already know how exciting it can be take a look at the winning numbers, because you just never know when it might be your lucky day.

The New Jersey Lottery uses its proceeds for a variety of good causes. These include education, human services, the Marie Katzenbach School For the Deaf, and veterans’ affairs. They also have one of the better designed websites to be found. The New Jersey lottery offers several games including, the multi state Mega Millions, Pick 6 with a prize of $3,000,000, Jersey Cash with a prize of $50,000, the Pick 5 with a prize of $50,000, and various scratch off games. On the site you can see the odds for each game. This is one of the easiest lottery websites to navigate.

Jeffrey Davis is a Expert on Online Lotteries and a marketing executive at Triumph Marketing, you can find more of Jeff’s lottery articles and buy real lottery tickets at

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