Standing Poker Games – A Sure Bet for Fun

With the creation of literally hundreds of web sites dedicated strictly to poker playing, not to mention the hundreds of casino sites, it’s quite obvious how popular Las Vegas-style play has become. Whether it’s the thrill of dancing with lady luck or the camaraderie of playing with others, the games that take place around a poker table have taken on a life of their own. Getting a weekly poker game going is a fantastic way to add a little face-to-face action to the undertaking, too.

A good poker game among neighbors or old-time buddies is a fun tradition to get started. Whether the stakes are candy bars, pennies and nickels or just plastic chips for fun doesn’t really matter either. A standing game is a tradition people look forward to and enjoy. From black jack and Texas hold ’em to stud and beyond, the games don’t make the event, the competition, fun and atmosphere do.

To begin a weekly poker game at any home, start out with the atmosphere. A spare room or even a garage will suffice to turn an ordinary home into a destination for friends who like to play the cards. Start out with a space big enough for a poker table that will seat four to eight. Any more than that and the weekly list of visitors can get out of hand. Four to six is actually a solid game and eight may be a bit too much.

If possible, pick out a table that’s made for poker. They’re relatively inexpensive and they add a lot to the atmosphere. Green felt top, red or your choice with the proper rails and an overhead light and the atmosphere will be just about right. Add a card shuffler, chips and maybe a beer sign or two into the mix and the perfect poker room will be had.

Before getting started in turning the room into a weekly, or even bi-weekly destination, consider a few ground rules for whom you’ll invite.

* A “friendly” poker game should remain that. Invite friends who enjoy the game, but who don’t get so serious about it they’ll mortgage their homes on a “sure winner” of a hand. If the game is meant to stay with plastic chip bets and no money, state that clearly. Set game ground rules in advance so arguments don’t ensue.

* Set a weekly limit on players. If your games are more manageable with four, say so. If you’d rather have six, let that be known.

* Decide who brings what. Weekly games can get a little expensive on the host. If sodas, beer or chips need to be brought, delegate it out and say what you’ll supply.

* Set a standing time and day so players know when and where to be. This helps form the tradition.

* Remember to have fun. It’s not Las Vegas, it’s your garage. The game’s are meant to be fun and not terribly serious. Everyone will win; everyone will lose. Practice your bluffing, enjoy the stakes and have fun with the company and camaraderie.

A weekly poker game is a great tradition to start in a neighborhood or among old friends. Fun, fast-paced and a great way to get together and talk over the events of daily living, this pastime is enjoyed by thousands and thousands the world over. Just remember to keep it fun, keep it light and set some ground rules and the rest should take care of itself. Just don’t forget the poker table, chips, cards and of course the players!

#1 Resource

Poker table.