Powerful Baccarat Betting Strategies

In previous posts and articles, I explained in detail how the game of Baccarat is played.

If you want to get the basics, read my article:

“Baccarat Made Easy”

If you want to get the details beyond that, read my article:

“Baccarat – Basics and Beyond”

If you have the knowledge already, then read on…

• How do you bet?
• When do you bet?
• Which do you bet?
• And
• How much do you bet?

The first question: “How do you bet?” is the easiest to answer, so let’s get that out of the way right now. You simply place your bet in the area marked “Banker” or in the area marked “Player”. As you remember, you are NEVER to bet the “tie”.

The next question: “When do you bet?” is a bit harder to answer. I consider a gambling session to include every betting opportunity within that session, bet it a certain time limit, or a bankroll limit, or a profit goal.

That means I decide before the session: either how long I will play regardless of the outcome, OR, how much of my bankroll I’ll put into play, OR, what profit goal signals the end of the session.

Regardless of the session criteria, I see no reason to skip betting opportunities while the session is alive.

The third question: “Which do you bet?” is where the fun kicks in. I use and highly recommend the “Outcome Before the Last” betting strategy when playing Baccarat.

That means you bet on the repeating of the outcome of the hand BEFORE THE MOST RECENT HAND. This is why it is imperative that you keep accurate records of the outcome of each and every hand as you play.


Here is a possible record of a few hands of play. I will list the winner of the hand.

1. Banker
2. Player
3. Player
4. Player
5. Player
6. Banker
7. Player
8. Banker
9. Banker
10. Banker
11. Banker
12. Player

OK, let’s look at how we would have played that sequence.

Our first two bets were only guesses… and were insignificant – win or lose! BUT our third bet begins the strategy…

Our third bet would have been on the “Banker” because that was the winning outcome of the first bet we recorded. Note that it skipped the preceding hand (And, we lose this bet).

Our fourth bet would have been on the “Player” because that was the winning outcome of the second bet we recorded. (Won)

Our fifth bet would have been on the “Player” because that was the winning outcome of the third bet. (Won)

Our sixth bet would have been on the “Player” (Lost)

Seventh bet “Player”. (Won)

Eighth bet “Banker” (Won)

Ninth bet “Banker” (Lost)

Tenth bet “Banker” (Won)

Eleventh bet “Banker” (Won)

Twelfth bet “Banker” (Lost)

And so forth….

This strategy will keep you ahead (assuming all bets are of equal value) throughout the session because it capitalizes on every type of run except one.

For example: B=Banker, P=Player

A run of B, B, B, B, B would of course make you a winner.

But so will a run of P, P, P, P,

And… B, P, B, P, B, P

Any type of run at all makes you a winner… EXCEPT:

A run of “twosomes”… B, B, P, P, B, B, P, P, That’s the thing that will put you under! But that’s the only thing, and it cannot happen very often… agreed?

The last question: “How Much do you Bet” is impossible to answer. It depends upon so many variables. Look for my upcoming article on “Money Management”.

Buzz has been teaching gambling, and collecting resources for many years. If you have the same passion for gambling, sign up for his Newsletter at Buzz On Gambling and claim your bonus!