Did you know that there are over 1,474,200 different possible bingo cards? That’s just considering the number combinations, but did you ever consider bingo card style?
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Sure, in the past the word B-I-N-G-O could be seen over a faded blue or green color, making the game seem like the boring old person’s game that it has been wrongly accused of being, but bingo, like so many other things, has come into the 21st century.
Internet bingo has done more than just increase the games popularity and jackpots; it has improved the style put into a bingo card. Graphic design is a giant field when it comes to computers and especially the Internet. The look of a website, whether it be for bingo or news, greatly effects the number of people visiting that website. The design of a “virtual bingo room” may be its biggest draw.
Online bingo choices can range from an underwater theme to a lucky shamrock theme. The bingo card now comes to life with computer animation. Water bubbles may flow across your B row, or a lucky leprechaun may jump across the B-I-N-G-O. And those are some of the simpler bingo card designs.
Astro bingo, Cyber bingo and Flash bingo make the old classic more like a video game that appeals to a younger audience (over 18 of course). Party bingo, bingo exotic and bango also bring a different audience to the game (or maybe they just bring out the wild side of the bingo hall players).
Maybe 1,474,200 bingo cards are already enough for you. You just want the numbers called and the squares marked. There are Internet bingo websites who maintain the blue and green colors and the simple game that even graphic design cannot improve.
Times are different. Bingo has diversified. It can be a game full of excitement that young people enjoy or a relaxed game without gambling for all ages. The pale blue and green bingo card will always be there, but the Las Vegas card with computer generated showgirls dancing around it is the future.
With the proliferation of bingo sites on the internet there are an infinite number of ways to play bingo. With new variations of bingo being constantly invented the number of possible bingo cards is infinite. Log onto any bingo site and you will see bingo games that you never thought possible. The computer is carrying the game of bingo to new dimensions.
Jeffrey Davis is a expert on Bingo and a marketing executive at Triumph Marketing, you can find more of Jeff’s Bingo Articles and play bingo at http://www.bingohouse.com.
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