How to know if a Roulette System Fails

Almost every roulette player has purchased a roulette system from the internet only to find it fails miserably. Unfortunately, the internet is rampant with fraudulent and clearly ineffective gambling systems. While almost every system seller claims to offer the “only” truly effective roulette system, almost every known roulette system fails. With virtually every system seller claiming the same thing, how do you know if a roulette system is ineffective or genuinely effective without risking your money? The principles explained within this article will aid you to determine which roulette systems are almost definitely ineffective, and which are at least “possibly” a genuine winner.

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PRINCIPLE 1: You can beat the roulette wheel, but not the betting table: Einstein himself once said, “You cannot beat a roulette table unless you steal money from it.” Read his statement carefully. Most people assume he meant the game of roulette itself is unbeatable, but this is not the case. He made his statement about the table, not the game of roulette. While it’s completely true you cannot beat a “roulette table”, you certainly can beat a “roulette wheel”, and therefore the game of roulette. Contrary to popular belief, roulette is indeed beatable – millions can and have been won but only with methods based on the wheel itself.

Although the betting table is a scattered representation of the wheel, they are certainly not the same thing. For example, consider the first dozen (numbers 1-12). Each of these twelve numbers are perfectly scattered throughout various sectors of the wheel. Similarly, other outside bets are not a representation of specific sectors. Understand the table is intentionally designed not to represent wheel sectors because the casinos know while you cannot predict any “outside bet” with enough accuracy to overcome the house edge, you can predict which sector of the wheel will spin with enough accuracy to overcome the house edge. Although some tables permit sector-based bets, on most roulette tables, the only way to cover a wheel sector is by placing bets on individual numbers (inside bets). It is a mathematic and scientific certainty. Once you understand this principle, you understand that any system based on outside bets simply cannot win over the long term. This knowledge alone will help you eliminate approximately half of the roulette systems for sale on the internet as a candidate for a genuine winner. You should only ever consider a roulette system based on wheel sectors, because it’s the only way a system “can” be effective.

PRINCIPLE 2: You can only beat real wheels, not computer generated spins: One of the golden rules of marketing is people buy what they “want”, not what they “need”. In the case of roulette systems, most people want a system they can apply online, so that’s what most system sellers offer. However, rather than using real wheels and balls, almost every online casino uses random number generators to determine winning numbers. Because there is no real wheel, absolutely no bet can ever represent a wheel sector, and therefore no system can ever beat online casinos and computer generated spins – it’s absolutely impossible. While this may not be what purchasers want to hear, it is the plain truth. The only exception is live online roulette where a real wheel is viewed by webcam.

PRINCIPLE 3: If a system fails with flat bets, it cannot succeed with progression bets (changing bet size after wins/losses): If 10 reds spun in a row, the odds that black will spin next are still less than 50%. In such a situation, would you bet on black thinking it’s just bound to happen sooner or later? Perhaps this has happened to you, and after losing, you increased your bet to cover losses only to eventually blow your entire bankroll. This is one of the most common and fatal mistakes made by roulette players. It doesn’t matter how fancy or intricate your progression bets are, whether they be increasing or decreasing bets after a win or loss, progression bets cannot increase your chance of winning in the long term. If you increase bets after losses, you will only either get lucky and win big, or increase the rate at which you blow your bankroll. If you decrease bets after losses, you just decrease the rate at which you blow your bankroll.

No matter what you bet on, unless your prediction is accurate enough, you cannot overcome the house edge. To understand exactly what the house edge is, consider the European wheel has 37 numbers. If you bet and win on a single number, you receive 36 units back (35 new units + 1 unit you bet with). In other words, the payout is less than what you would be entitled to if the odds between you and the casinos were equal. This is where the house edge comes from. It is important to understand this concept because once you do, you realise even when you win, you still actually lose.

Genuine long term winning systems and strategies do exist, but they do not contravene the above principles. By investigating whether or not a system contravenes the principles, you can eliminate the clear majority of systems for sale as potential genuine winners. Among the known effective techniques are roulette computers, visual ballistics and wheel analysis methods – each of which are based on real wheels only, sectors of wheels, and can win over the long term without any form of progression. However, a system that complies with the principles does not guarantee it is effective. In fact there are a number of known ineffective roulette computers and just plain impractical visual ballistics and wheel analysis methods.

Prospective buyers of roulette computers should be wary and insist upon personal demonstrations before buying, rather than just rely on a seller’s claim that they can provide personal demonstrations. Alternatively, the buyer should insist upon clearly unedited video footage showing proof of effectiveness before buying. Some roulette computer sellers are known to use voiceovers (predictions) in video footage to give the illusion that their computer is effective. Despite the effectiveness of a correctly designed computer, readers should be advised such electronic devices are illegal to apply for monetary gain in some jurisdictions, and thus should only be used for evaluation purposes.

With regards to visual ballistics and wheel analysis methods, the buyer should still insist upon undeniable proof. If the seller cannot provide proof of effectiveness such as a freely downloadable and clearly unedited video footage, be wary because when something is legitimately effective, it can easily be proven. Never rely on the word alone of a seller.

Stefano Hourmouzis is an alternative energy researcher. Read about Stefano at

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