Which Online Bingo Game Will You Play?

The Bingo that was introduced in the United States almost a century ago was a very calm game. Bingo Online today comes in a wide array of games. You can choose your game or join up with a group and play the games they choose. Regardless of what Bingo game is your favorite, you’ll find it offered as Bingo Online.

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Traditionally, Bingo calls for covering five squares in a straight row. Your straight row may run vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Statistically, it’s more likely that you will cover a row that includes the center “free” space since that spot is always covered. While this is a great game and is preferred by many Bingo players, it’s by no means the only Bingo game that attracts the attention of Bingo players.

Cover Up is another Bingo game and one that’s found among sources of Bingo Online. In this game, the game continues past the time when people have completed ordinary Bingos. In fact, this game goes on until someone covers the entire Bingo card. It can take awhile, making this game a longer commitment in time than some other Bingo games.

When you’re looking at Bingo Online, you’ll also find Four Corners and The Handful. The exact rules of these two games are similar and may vary somewhat depending on who you’re playing with. As a rule, most people only play Four Corners as part of a longer Bingo game. The first four numbers of the Bingo game are called and anyone who has filled in the four outside corners of their card wins.

As you can see, the odds of anyone completing a Four Corners is slim since that means the caller must call two “B” numbers and two “O” numbers. Typically, there’s a prize offered for Four Corners. If no one wins, play simply continues to traditional Bingo, Cover Up or some other Bingo game. Another version of Four Corners is also sometimes called The Handful. In this game, the first person to cover the four corners wins, regardless of how many numbers are called to reach that point.

There are so many variations of bingo on the internet it’s hard to keep up. New kinds of bingo are being developed every week thanks to computer technology. Of course, more kinds of bingo mean more chances of winning and more entertaining games. No matter what kind of bingo you prefer, there is a site somewhere that will suit your preferences.

Jeffrey Davis is a expert on Bingo and a marketing executive at Triumph Marketing, you can find more of Jeff’s Bingo Articles and play bingo at http://www.bingohouse.com.

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