The First Crucial Poker Minutes

First things first, determine exactly what everyone’s trying to accomplish. Is the individual there to learn, have fun or play for a living? Most of your profit in no limit holdem games is going to come from picking a target and going after him. A lesson taken from the movie Rounders: “If you can’t spot the sucker within the first half hour, then you are sucker.”

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Figure out who is winning and who is losing. People usually don’t play as well when they are losing, therefore a losing player may be an easier target. In no limit, you have to learn and understand people you play against. The strategy you used yesterday could be worthless today. You need to know what kind of game plan you are going to use and know the game plan you will be using will be the right one.

Another individual you should target are player’s who are excessively drinking. Pick on the drunk guy who’s just there to have a good time and gamble. You may get a few bad beats from time to time with drunks because of there willingness to take chances more often, but in the long run they’ll pay you off nicely.

In the first five minutes, try to establish a dominating presence at the table. You don’t want to be someone else’s mark. If no one are the table knows you, they might mark you as a fish and try to bully you around. No limit’s no fun when you have people targeting you. Reek of confidence; sit up straight and let them know how comfortable you are. Be intimidating – let them know you’re a well-rounded no limit holdem player and you’re ready for any play they throw at you.

Last, but not least important point, is to pay attention. If you pay attention constantly after you fold, you will pick up on certain tells and player’s betting patterns. Players will show information you can use against them.

This Article is been published by and written by a poker lover that doesn’t like the attention like most poker “GURU’S”. He likes to call himself Jake Blue Eyes, anyway the reason we say that is because Jake has asked us to distribute his wonderful poker experiences online as well offline at

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