Online Bingo Chatroom Acronyms

Perfect your internet bingo chat with these easy to use internet bingo acronyms so you don’t look silly & confused right in the middle of your game.

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Although internet bingo is an easy game to play, there are still a number of things you should know about the game. Understanding these internet bingo chatroom acronyms is extremely important, unless you want everybody to know that you are new to bingo!

These internet bingo acronyms really help speed up your chat so you can enjoy playing as well as chatting in proper bingo lingo at the same time with fellow roomies.

Internet bingo is a fast-paced game, and the chat feature requires that you know your internet bingo acronyms. Internet bingo acronyms are easy to learn, fun to use, and will simplify your internet bingo experience while playing at sites like

Chatrooms are one of the best things to do while playing bingo; it especially helps bring the whole bingo hall experience to your computer. You may be at home but there’s a whole chatroom full of players to talk bingo lingo to. For time savings measures, you should know some common internet bingo abbreviations or acronyms (also known as Internet Bingo Lingo) for when you prefer to rather concentrate on your internet bingo game and not your spelling.

Internet Bingo players use many of the common chatroom acronyms plus some specifically related to the game of internet bingo. For some reason, I seldom see any emoticons or smilies being used. I guess it’s because during the internet bingo game, chitchat drops and the conversation turns serious. There’s not any reason to express subtleties of emotion when you’re saying “1tg 1tg!!”

With these useful internet bingo chatroom acronyms, you should fit right in when playing internet bingo.

Simon Wood is a master casino gambler and online bingo lover for over 30 years. He has written many interesting articles for including: internet chat acronyms.

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