Show Me Yours And I’ll Show You Mine

Sometimes the simplest gestures will reveal a player’s hand to an opponent. It is easier to spot in a live game because you can pick up on somebody’s eyes darting back and forth and other tell-tell signs. However, when playing online, sussing out an opponent is more difficult.

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If you think you are up against an opponent who is playing loose and it comes down to you and him, here is something to consider before you go all-in.

First of all, you know on the turn he is going to go all-in, there is no question about it because all night he has quickly jumped in on each hand raising pots and re-raising when at the end of the hand he shows pocket threes or 6-5 off suit.

One thing you will find in any poker room across the country or online are poker players who are able to create a skillful illusion of being a loose player and somehow, manage to keep their chips.

When it matters most of all, loose players who are quick to raise and re-raise, back up and take their time to play if they believe they have a winning hand. More importantly, they will do this if they believe they have a winning hand and have you think they are a loose player.

It is important to remember that while it does matter how he has played up until now, you still need to play your own hand the way you are supposed to and go from there.

If you are holding pocket J-J and there is a Q-Q on the board, what do you think? Is it possible he has the Queen? Of course it is. Keep a close eye on whether he slows his game down at this point.

If he has been an eager little beaver up until now he could be holding a pair of Queens himself. Whatever you decide to do, always know where you stand.

If you can beat him, go into the showdown and type “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” into the chat box. Hopefully this will be the end of his game!

David Walker runs free bets and UK poker websites. A free email course: “Seven Days to Better Betting” is available at both of these websites.

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