Bingo chat masters, or cm s, are the masters of the great game of bingo when played online. Also called chat monitors, the cm s are employees of the web site where the bingo game is being played and are there to expedite the games, keep order and make sure that all players are having a good time, as well as sticking to the rules of the game.
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In an online bingo game a chat applet can be downloaded and installed on your computer allowing you to use a chat feature and communicate with other players. This is very different from traditional bingo games because in a normal or not online bingo game talking to other players is prohibited during the game. They desire silence.
However, in the online world chat with other players is considered to be one of the positive elements of play and a way for players to get to know each other, contribute to each others fun, make friends and enjoy camaraderie. The chat function of the online bingo game, controlled by the chat master, is a retention tool used by the bingo web sites because so many people enjoy it, especially female players.
The chat master and chat during the game in general lends congeniality to an online bingo game. When the chat master welcomes players he makes them feel at home. He also congratulates players when they win a game and offers consolations to the losers. Another job of the chat master is to enforce the protocol of the chat feature which is chat etiquette, also known as chatiquette. These are basic rules of good behavior that the CM enforces, and that all members of the bingo group agree to follow to make the games go smoother and to be more enjoyable for everyone.
Standard chatiquette enforced by the chat master in an online bingo chatroom is pretty standard. Do not use capital letters because it is considered as shouting and are not polite. Generally only the chat master is allowed to use capital letters. The chat master will announce games and promotions in all caps. Also remember to be nice and friendly at all times to other players. Especially be nice to the new players, also called newbies. Welcome the newbies and offer them the benefit of your experience.
Be sure to congratulate the wining players as well. Next time the winner could be you. In that same regard, do not complain if you loose. You could be the next winner. Additionally avoid gossip especially about other players. Act like a grown up, and avoid getting into arguments and conflicts with other players as this will get you thrown out. Always be respectful of other players and follow the instructions of the chat master.
The chat masters are not there for their own egos or power trips, but are instead facilitators who make the game more enjoyable for everyone involved by enforcing a few simple rules. Of course, they also sponsor contests and competitions, and with some luck you could wind up being a big winner, so pay attention to the chat master and enjoy the game.
Richard Sharp is the owner of a popular bingo directory . His site offers free advice on online bingo and
is home to the net’s most comprehensive directory of safe bingo site.
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