Bingo News – The Bingo Bugle

The Bingo Bugle is a recognized publication that promotes Bingo across the country. This newspaper is typically very localized, promoting Bingo products, games, halls and information pertinent to your area. Interested in starting a Bingo Bugle of your own? It’s possible.

You can apply for a Bingo Bugle franchise that would allow you to start your own version of the Bingo Bugle. Typically, a franchise of this type would help you establish the newspaper and offer technical support while you’re getting the publication off the ground.

The Bingo Bugle touts its standing at the “largest network of newspapers in North America that promote the Bingo industry.” Just like any newspaper, the Bingo Bugle makes the majority of its money from advertising. Some who offer the newspaper for sale may also see a small return for subscriptions, but most newspapers of this type are given away. This increases the number of copies distributed and makes advertisers more willing to pay out the cost of advertising.

So what kind of time and effort could you expect to put into a newspaper such as the Bingo Bugle? It all depends on what the demand for a publication of this type is, and how much energy, time and money you’re willing to put into it. Some people who have started small publications of this type find that it takes over their lives and offers a significant return on their initial investment. It really depends on how much promoting you do of the publication and how much demand there is in your area.

If there are a half dozen ladies who travel an hour every Thursday night to play Bingo for a couple of hours but little interest in the game outside that small group, it won’t likely become a big enterprise. But if Bingo is a hot topic and you’re not competing with an established and loved publication, you may find that a publication such as the Bingo Bugle is a terrific business opportunity.

So does that mean that the Bingo Bugle is the only way to start a publication in your area? Some Bingo promoters offer newsletters that work just like the Bingo Bugle, but on a smaller scale. If you’re looking for a way to promote your event, don’t overlook these publications. And if you’re looking for a business opportunity, take a look at the potential a Bingo Bugle or some other Bingo publication would have in your area.

Jeffrey Davis is a Expert on Online Lotteries and a marketing executive at Triumph Marketing, you can find more of Jeff’s lottery articles and buy real lottery tickets at