How to Prepare for a Poker Tournament

Before going into any big money poker tournament it is important to spend as much time as possible playing poker. The more hands you play the more you will learn, and the better you will get. I personally will spend up to 5 hours a day in an online casino or poker room, and then on the weekend I will go to the casinos and spend the entire weekend at the poker table with the exception of a few hrs a day to sleep. When I ht the casinos for these mini marathon poker weekends I like to put some wet wipes in my pocket just to make it easer to clean up so I do not have to leave the table.

Poker tournaments are not quick games. a poker tournament can take more then 12 and some games can go for 2 days, don’t worry they give you a break to sleep. Just from spending so much time at a poker table can take its toll on your mind and body. Therefore it is important to take good care of your body for at least the last 2 or 3 weeks leading up to the tournament. This will help you keep your mind focused on the game. After all if you were going to be in a car race you would maintain your car right?

Proper Diet:
Eating right is very important to keeping the body running well. When playing poker the last thing you want is to get a drop in energy because you have not been eating right. Also they have scheduled breaks for the bathroom, and eating improperly can cause you to have to go irregularly and this can break your concentration.

Keeping the Body in Shape:
If you want to be at your best during a poker tournament it is to your advantage to be in good shape. A healthier person will have a better endurance level and will not get tired after several hours on playing poker. Many out of shape people have a tendency to get sleepy and then sloppy in the way they play

Good Nights Rest:
It is not just important to get a good night sleep you also have to regulate the times that you sleep. Going to sleep every night and waking up at the same time every day is good for you. This will help the body repair itself and keep the mind sharp for the poker game. This will help keep your mind on the game and prevent you from yawning all throughout the latter hours of the game when most people start making stupid mistakes caused by fatigue which can make the difference between winning the tournament and going home a loser.

Brush up on the Fundamentals:
Before playing in a poker tournament especially if there are big stakes involved it is always good to go back and relearn to play. Many poker players like to read books on poker tips and tricks as well as different strategies, and before going to a tournament you should bone up on all these things again. It is also good to watch as many poker games as you can. This will help you study the players and break down their strategies. If you can break down the strategies of the other players you will have a big advantage over them.

Following these recommendations have helped give me an advantage during several poker tournaments and the more I play, the closer I get to winning the pot of gold.

Mia Palermos loves to write for online casino websites and also enjoys writing poetry and playing Baccarat in casinos.